Anthony Hancock and George Jamison, along with almost 75 others, have filed a negligence and liability lawsuit against the NFL, stating that it has hidden the effects of brain injuries from players, trainers, and coaches for nearly a century.

The lawsuit claims the NFL did not adequately warn or protect its players from long-term brain injuries like concussions which resulted from football-related contact. Every player in the suit claims to have suffered a head injury while playing in the NFL.

According to the claim, it was not until last year that the NFL admitted that suffering multiple concussions can lead to dementia, chronic traumatic encephalopathy, and adverse effects on  memory.

If you or a loved one has suffered from brain injuries, you need experienced representation on your side. Contact the Kansas City brain injury lawyers at the Law Offices of The Pottenger Law Firm LLC,  by calling 816-531-6006.