It is not unusual for you to waive your right to get medical attention after an accident. Sometimes you don’t think you’re hurt or have sustained any injuries. What you need to understand is that your body is going through shock, and injuries are not always visible. You may not be fully feeling the trauma your body was just put through, and in most cases, if you are injured, you will feel it later. Because you don’t know if they will appear, you should always get a complete medical evaluation almost immediately after an accident. If you’ve just been in an accident, be aware of the following symptoms.


Headaches or are one of the common delayed symptoms that victims experience. There are a few different ailments associated with this symptom and can include: a concussion, a blood clot, or whiplash.
Headaches can also be a symptom of a brain injury. Keep in mind, your head doesn’t have to come into physical contact during an accident for a brain injury to occur. During an accident it is easy for your head to be violently whipped around and your brain can impact the inside of your skull. In an incident where this happens, it can cause swelling, bleeding, bruising, and damage to the brain tissue.
It is imperative that you seek medical attention if you are experiencing a headache after an accident, even if it is days later. A headache may seem minor, but the dangers of traumatic brain injuries are too severe to ignore.

Neck and Shoulder Pain

Pain along the shoulders and neck are a symptom to be aware of. It can take a few days for neck and shoulder pain to occur, but even if the pain is minor, don’t ignore it. Neck and shoulder pains can be a symptom of a herniated disc, spinal injury, or whiplash.


Back pain, like neck and shoulder pains, can occur hours or days after an accident. Back pain can be a sign of a herniated disc, spinal injury, soft tissue injuries, sprain, or whiplash. If the pain is accompanied by numbness, it could be a sign of a pinched nerve.
Spinal injuries can be devastating because the spinal cord is how the brain sends messages throughout your body and can cause paralysis. Other back injuries may be treatable over time, but they can still cripple or greatly reduce mobility. It is important to seek medical attention if you are experiencing back pain after an accident due to how detrimental back injuries can be.

Abdominal Pain

Abdominal or stomach pain is not a symptom to take lightly, due to the possibilities of the injury. Stomach pain can be a symptom of internal bleeding or other internal injuries, like soft-tissue injuries. Dizziness and bruising are symptoms that can coincide with stomach pain. You can experience stomach pains hours or days after the accident occurred and should immediately seek medical attention.
Numbness/Tingling and Bruising

You might develop bruising or numbing – or tingling sensations anywhere on their body. These symptoms can be due to a herniated disc or a pinched nerve, and if left untreated can cause crippling pain or other difficulties.

Emotional Distress

Emotional symptoms can be just as subtle and even harder to notice than physical symptoms. Emotional symptoms can take weeks to manifest and can be easily missed or disregarded as normal everyday feelings. Symptoms of emotional trauma can be any of the following:
• Difficulty sleeping
• Fatigue
• Memory loss
• Mood swings or personality changes
• Flashbacks
• Nightmares
• Lack of motivation
• Lack of interest in activities you have previously enjoyed
• Panic attacks

These are examples of symptoms that describe post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or depression and can require therapy or medication to overcome.

You should always seek proper medical care after an accident. If you do not seek immediate medical care, do not sign any documents like a release of liability before confirming that you are not experiencing any symptoms. Doing so can negate any future claims that you could make for an incident and prevent you from getting proper compensation.

Do not dismiss any of the symptoms listed as an unrelated symptom to the accident; additionally, there might be symptoms that are not listed. The first step should be to discuss what you’re experiencing with a medical professional; it’s better to be safe than sorry. After that, you should get a legal consultation to guarantee that you are getting the compensation that you deserve.
The Pottenger Law Firm has over two decades of experience handling cases like these. We know that clients sometimes assume they’re fine and sign documents that make it difficult or impossible to pursue legal action. If you’ve been in an accident, first, get a medical professional’s opinion. If they think you have incurred an injury, contact us at 816-531-6006 or send us a message to arrange a free consultation.