Truck accidents are different from car accidents, especially the injuries you could suffer. Here’s what you need to know!

Truck accidents and car accidents are different and we’re here to help you learn about these differences and what to expect if you’re ever involved in any kind of vehicular crash. From their causes to the time of day or week that they occur, they have a lot of differences. Still, you might be surprised to learn that no matter the difference in the size of the vehicle, some of the causes and injuries remain the same.

Accident Causes
The causes of car accidents and truck accidents are very different. Some of the most common causes of car accidents are distracted driving (cell phone usage), drunk driving, and speeding. Truck accidents, however, are often caused by failure to stay in lane, drowsiness, and driving too fast/failure to yield. Both kinds of accidents are caused by drivers and their recklessness, and most importantly, both types of accidents are avoidable.

Do keep in mind, though, that size matters in these accidents. Trucks are much larger and have a harder time turning, switching lanes, slowing down, and stopping altogether. They also experience rollovers much more than cars.

Car accidents usually happen between 3 pm and 6 pm due to the high volume of cars on the road during this time. They’re also more likely to happen on the weekends, with Saturdays proving to be the deadliest day of the week. Truck accidents, on the other hand, happen the most between 12 pm (noon) and 3 pm and occur largely on weekdays.

Death and Injury
Truck accidents only account for 11% of all vehicular fatalities. Cars, motorcycles, and campers/RVs account for the other 89% (and cars assumedly make up a majority of that 89%).  Many people find this hard to believe, but it’s true! Also, take into account that there are a lot more cars on the road than trucks.  Although Truck accidents happen much less frequently than car accidents. Trucks are estimated to be involved in only 11% of all crash-related deaths.

Common Injuries
Injuries suffered in truck accidents tend to be more severe due to the large size of trucks. The most common car accident injuries are soft tissue injuries, strains and sprains, bruising, and scrapes and cuts. Head injuries and whiplash can also occur. Truck accidents, on the other hand, often occur in more serious injuries such as broken bones, whiplash, head injuries, and spinal injuries.

The best thing to do on the road is to drive safely and cautiously. 9 out of 10 auto accidents are preventable. Both truck drivers and car drivers need to be mindful when sharing the road and always make sure you buckle that seatbelt before you drive.

If you or a loved one has been involved in an auto or truck accident, contact us today for a free consultation and see how The Pottenger Law Firm can help.