Summer is here, and there is no better time to take your motorcycle out for a ride. Missouri and Kansas provide breathtaking scenery that is perfect for motorcyclists. Although a helmet and proper riding gear can keep a rider somewhat safe, you are always at risk of getting severely injured in a motorcycle accident. Sadly, motorcycle accidents are common, and their injuries are often more serious than similar accidents involving cars.
According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, more than 2,200 motorcycle accidents happen in Missouri each year, approximately doubling since the late 1990’s.
Here are some of the most common types of motorcycle accidents:
Distracted Driving Crashes
Although there is an increase in public awareness and stricter laws have been passed, the use of cell phones while driving has increased. These drivers put themselves and others in harm’s way by not paying attention to the road.
Blind Spot Accidents
Since motorcycles are relatively small; they are more susceptible to being lost in a larger vehicles blind spot. Drivers who carelessly change lanes may not see a rider.
Failure to Yield Accidents
Many drivers are impatient and are in a rush to get where they’re going, drivers may ignore situations when they are required to yield to other motorists.
Intersection Accidents
A common cause of motorcycle accidents occurs when a motorist attempting to make a left turn fails to yield to a motorcyclist who is going straight through the same intersection.
Drunk Driving Accidents
Alcohol is a contributing factor in 4 out of 10 motorcycle accident fatalities.
Speeding Accidents
We understand it’s fun to drive your motorcycle fast, but speeding accounts for more than 30% of motorcycle fatalities.
Taking Turns Too Fast
Taking turns too fast is normal with inexperienced riders, and the results can be disastrous.
Road and Weather Conditions
Uneven surfaces, gravel, potholes, wind, and rain all affect motorcyclists’ ability to travel safely.
Failure to See a Motorcyclist Approaching
Due to motorcycles smaller frame, it is common that drivers will not see an oncoming motorcycle. Make sure to wear bright colors when riding.
Sharing Lanes
When on a group ride, try to dismiss the temptation to share lanes. This can be very dangerous, especially if other motorists must avoid an obstacle.
Contact the Kansas City Motorcycle Accident Lawyers
If you were injured in an accident that was caused by another driver, you should contact a personal injury lawyer to discuss your legal options. For more information on what to do if you were involved in an accident, please contact The Pottenger Law Firm at (816) 531-6006, or visit today for a free consultation.