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Kansas City Swimming Pool Injury Lawyers
Swimming pools present a variety of safety hazards that should be addressed by a property owner or manager before anyone gets hurt as a result. Because of the inherent dangers they present, pools should be carefully maintained and watched for potential safety problems. Anyone who owns a pool and fails to take the necessary precautions to prevent injuries in or around them may be held accountable for those injuries. Specifically, those injured as a result of an owner or manager’s neglect or misconduct may be entitled to pursue compensation for the expenses and losses caused by their undue suffering.
If you’ve sustained an injury because of a pool owner or manager’s failure to address important safety concerns, we may be able to assist you with your personal injury claim. To discuss your legal options in full detail with an experienced, reliable legal advisor, contact a Kansas City swimming pool injuries attorney of The Pottenger Law Firm LLC, by calling 816-531-6006 today.
Swimming Pool Hazards
Swimming pool owners and managers need to take special care of their property, working to make their pools and the grounds around them safe for use. If they don’t take these necessary precautions, they may be held legally liable for the following problems:
- Drowning
Diving Board Injuries
Pool Drain Injuries
Lack of Supervision
If a person is injured as a result of these hazards, they may be left with significant injury-related costs. Compensation can cover many of these costs if a claim is successful, including associated expenses, such as emotional damages or job loss costs.