Personal injury

Autonomous Motorcycles: Ducati & BMW

Autonomous cars have become old news with autonomous motorcycles entering the modern scene of vehicle technology. Recently, big-time companies Ducati and BMW have introduced partially self-driving motorcycles: the Multistrada V4 S and the R 1250 RT. These bikes and their advanced safety features are changing the way of the road for motorcyclists, but raising questions [...]

  • hand signing a legal document

Not the Suing Type? Protect Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself.

Picture this. You’ve just been in a car accident, and the next day you’re talking to an insurance adjuster. They are being kind, friendly, supportive, and seem like they genuinely want to help you. But, are they telling you everything? Once you accept a check and sign a liability release, your chances for fair compensation [...]

June 15th, 2019|Comments Off on Not the Suing Type? Protect Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself.
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Self-Sabotage: Ways You Can Hurt Your Own Claim

If you’ve been injured in an accident, whether it’s from a car crash, on the job, or otherwise due to another’s negligence, your life can be flipped upside down. The injuries can keep you out of work--temporarily or permanently, stop you from enjoying everyday activities that you once loved, or disable you for the rest [...]

May 15th, 2019|Comments Off on Self-Sabotage: Ways You Can Hurt Your Own Claim
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Traumatic Brain Injuries: Information That You Need to Know

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) occur when you receive damage to your brain from an external force. An example would be when there is sudden speeding up and slowing down, such as in a car crash or fall, your brain can move around violently inside the skull, resulting in injury; this is known as a closed [...]

April 15th, 2019|Comments Off on Traumatic Brain Injuries: Information That You Need to Know
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Explaining Legal Jargon

When you walk into a lawyer’s office, the last thing you want to hear is legalese. You want to know the facts of your case in plain English. Unfortunately, that won’t stop the insurance companies and their lawyers from using them to leverage information or put you in a situation that gives them the upper [...]

March 15th, 2019|Comments Off on Explaining Legal Jargon
  • business man sitting behind a desk with laptop and materials on it

What to Know About Free Consultations

Think of free consultations as an opportunity to take advantage of the lawyer’s experience and knowledge. Free consultations are designed to discuss the client’s needs, while getting to know the lawyer, the legalities of the case, and the lawyer’s experienced opinion, without the stress of paying for the information. It is important to understand what [...]

February 15th, 2019|Comments Off on What to Know About Free Consultations
  • doctor looking at an x-ray of the back

The Nervous System’s Highway: What You Need to Know About Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injuries are one of the most devastating injuries that you can receive in an accident. The spinal cord is how your central nervous system communicates with your brain. It goes without saying, a spinal cord injury can be life-altering and have permanent impacts. Spinal injuries can happen during: Car/Trucking accidents. Slipping and falling. [...]

January 15th, 2019|Comments Off on The Nervous System’s Highway: What You Need to Know About Spinal Cord Injuries
  • driver's hands with one on the wheel and holding a cell phone in the other

Distracted Driving: More than Phones

Everybody thinks they can multitask, but that is a proven myth. What you’re actually doing is quickly switching your focus from one task to another. The most dangerous place for you to think you can multitask is behind the wheel of a car. It is considered distracted driving, and with the average weight of a [...]

December 15th, 2018|Comments Off on Distracted Driving: More than Phones
  • a tractor trailer driving fast on a road

The Hidden Dangers of Chameleon Carriers

On average the typical commercial truck weighs 100,000 pounds, and, as you could assume, this makes the damages from a truck accident disastrous. Chameleon carriers or reincarnated carriers are companies that find loopholes to get around safety regulations, that amplify the chance of an accident happening. The government enforces regulations and safety laws to protect [...]

November 15th, 2018|Comments Off on The Hidden Dangers of Chameleon Carriers
  • an old first aid case tin on a brick sidewalk

In Case of Accident Break Glass: What You Should Have in Your Car

Is there ever a morning where you wake up expecting your car to break down that day? What about getting into an accident? The answer is no. But are you prepared for the possibility of that happening? Here is a list of items that you’ll be more than happy to have in your car in [...]

October 15th, 2018|Comments Off on In Case of Accident Break Glass: What You Should Have in Your Car
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