• winter slip and fall

Premises Liability: Winter Edition

Slip and fall accidents are one of the most common types of personal injury. According to the CDC, 20% of slip and fall accidents result in a serious personal injury. In fact, 800,000 people are hospitalized every year for this reason. When you slip and fall in icy conditions on someone else’s property, are they [...]

  • school bus accident laws

School Bus Laws: Missouri vs. Kansas

It’s officially back-to-school season, which means that school buses will be a daily affair again. While safety guidelines regarding sharing the road with buses are the same throughout the U.S., laws about stopping for school buses vary by state. As a Kansas City Personal Injury Law Firm, we feel it is important for drivers to [...]

  • Complex Regional Pain

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

There are plenty of injuries that can be sustained from motor vehicle accidents, but today we’re going to take a look at one in particular: Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). The causes of  CRPS aren’t completely understood yet, but research has shown that it most commonly occurs after physical trauma such as a car or [...]


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