On Tuesday, State Farm Insurance released annual claims data which included the number of vehicle-deer collisions that occur in each state. The data was recorded between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012.
During that time frame, the state of Missouri reported 36,592 car accidents that involved deer. This number was up quite dramatically from the previous year, where the state experienced 31,280 vehicle-deer collisions. This increase moved Missouri from a medium-risk state to a high-risk state in regards to these specific car accidents.
State Farm compiled data from insurance claims as well as from the Federal Highway Administration in order to determine the most dangerous states for vehicle-deer accidents. The state with the most car accidents involving deer in the United States is West Virginia. Other states that ranked high on the list based off of the data included South Dakota, Iowa, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. The state of Missouri ranked 15th overall.
The month of November brings about the most deer-related accidents due to the fact that it is mating season and hunting season. Nationwide, the number of vehicle-deer accidents has increased by 7.7 percent. Approximately 1.23 million car accidents with deer have taken place throughout the country between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012.
Car accidents can cause individuals to sustain serious injuries, whether it be from a deer crossing the road or from a reckless driver. If you have sustained injuries in a car accident due to someone else’s negligence, please contact the car accident lawyers of The Pottenger Law Firm LLC by calling 816-531-6006 today.