Motorcyclists are four times more likely to sustain an injury after a traffic accident than other vehicle drivers. In 2020 alone, there were 82,528 motorcycle accidents in the United States. All personal injuries are costly, and motorcycle injuries are no different. Unfortunately, many injuries go unnoticed until it is too late to pursue compensation. 

Be informed and take a look at the motorcycle injuries that are most often overlooked after an accident.


Biker’s Arm

Also known as Rider’s Arm, Biker’s Arm is a motorcycle accident injury that occurs when riders fall and catch themselves by extending their arm. Often, this results in the motorcycle landing on that arm, causing damage to the radial, median, and or ulnar nerves. Damage to these nerves, depending on which ones, affect the rider’s ability to move different parts of that arm and or hand, and can reduce the ability to feel the skin of the affected areas.

The symptoms of Biker’s Arm include numbness, tingling, lack of mobility, reduced feeling, and poor muscle control. However, like many other personal injuries, the symptoms of Biker’s Arm are often delayed, which is why it is so often overlooked.


Spine Injuries

Motorcycle collisions are one of the primary causes of spinal cord injuries. When an accident causes physical impact to the neck and or back, it can lead to a variety of severe personal injuries such as paralysis, spondylolisthesis, radiculopathy, herniated discs, and more. Some common symptoms of spinal cord injuries include numbness, back and neck pain, reduced mobility, weakness, back spasms, and inflammation. These symptoms are also usually delayed, which is why it is so crucial to visit the emergency room after an accident – even if you “feel fine” at first.


Road Rash

Road Rash may sound virtually harmless, but this is simply not the case. Road Rash is caused when the motorcycle rider skids on the road after a fall or traffic accident. Road Rash can leave muscle and bone exposed, and or cause muscle damage or fractures. These personal injuries can require stitches, surgery, or even skin grafts depending on the severity of the injury.


Average Costs

Personal injuries are expensive to receive medical treatment for, which is why motorcyclists need a personal injury attorney to fight for the financial compensation they need to cover the costs. These are just a few of the average costs of motorcycle injuries.

  • The cost of skin grafts for Road Rash usually costs between $4,000-$9,000, which does not include other necessary treatment before and after the operation.
  • The average cost of acute spinal cord injury treatment is $142,336.
  • Traumatic Brain Injuries cost between $85,000-$3 million to treat over the course of a lifetime.


Coming up with that kind of money is difficult enough, but when you factor in the lost wages from time off work to recover, it’s even more debilitating. That’s why it’s vital to have an experienced personal injury lawyer on your side to fight for the financial compensation you deserve. 

If you’ve been injured in a motorcycle accident, contact us right away to schedule your initial consultation where you’ll receive free legal advice from a Kansas City accident attorney near you.