car accident attorneys

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Vehicle Cyber Security

  The 21st century has brought countless advances in technology, including driver assistance equipment. Numerous modern day drivers operate automated vehicles with features such as sensors, automatic emergency braking, forward collision warning, and computer systems. These features are designed for safety and convenience when used properly - but sometimes the driver isn’t the only person [...]

April 19th, 2022|Comments Off on Vehicle Cyber Security
  • man in driver seat of car holding and looking at cell phone

How to Prove Distracted Driving

We all know texting and driving is a risky habit to indulge in. In fact, it’s entirely illegal in 48 states. Despite the consequences, people do it every day, causing thousands of accidents every year. According to data collected by The Zebra, 4,637 people died in 2018 alone due to irresponsible cell phone use. These [...]

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Secrets of Tire Safety

The condition of a vehicle’s tires can make or break your next ride. According to the NHTSA, a total of 738 people died in tire-related car crashes is 2017 alone. It is essential to regularly check the air pressure, wear and tear, and tread depth of your tires, among other things, to ensure that they [...]

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Underinsured Motorist Coverage. What It Is and Why You Need It.

As a practicing personal injury lawyer for over 27 years, I have seen it many times. I never get used to it. It’s awful and made worse by the fact is that it is completely avoidable. In a typical scenario, a client is involved in a devastating car wreck. The wreck is not their fault; [...]

October 25th, 2019|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Underinsured Motorist Coverage. What It Is and Why You Need It.
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Uninsured Motor Vehicle Action Filed

A $225,000.000 (policy limit) settlement for a plaintiff who was injured when an uninsured drunk driver ran a red light and hit his vehicle. He sustained $42,000.000 in medical bills for a broken femur and filed an uninsured motor vehicle action against The Hartford Insurance Company.

June 5th, 2018|Comments Off on Uninsured Motor Vehicle Action Filed
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Additional $115K Won

A 100,000.00 settlement for a plaintiff who was injured in a car accident at an intersection. The plaintiff received the policy-limit settlement and subsequently filed an underinsured motorist claim against Allstate Insurance Company and obtained an additional $115,000.

June 2nd, 2018|Comments Off on Additional $115K Won
  • a motorcyclist wearing dark clothing driving down an alleyway

Motorcycle Accident $200K Settlement

A $200,000.00 settlement for a passenger who suffered a broken ankle in a motorcycle accident that occurred when a car merged into the plaintiff’s lane of travel.

May 29th, 2018|Comments Off on Motorcycle Accident $200K Settlement
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Settlement Reached for Death of 60-Year Old Woman

A $500,000.00 settlement for the family of a 60-year old woman who was killed when her car hit a tow-truck that had pulled over to the side of the road to solicit a tow. The case settled on the third day of trial.

May 27th, 2018|Comments Off on Settlement Reached for Death of 60-Year Old Woman
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We Beat the Max Value

A 1.75 million dollar settlement for a plaintiff who suffered head and orthopedic injuries after she was struck by a hit-and-run driver. While the insurance companies claimed that the maximum value of the case was only $500,000.00, our attorneys were able to take the case to the Missouri Court of Appeals and the case was [...]

May 25th, 2018|Comments Off on We Beat the Max Value
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